"Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy (PEMF) - Revolutionary cure for pain"

Dr Oz Talk Show / USA

Watch in the video Dr Oz Show


NASA research  

Optimization od Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields (PEMF) Study   

" Works on every pain ", on  miHealth device which is the part of BioEnergetiX WellNes System using technology PEMF -(Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field).

Us daily Talk Show / CBS

Watch in the video The Doctors

Infoceuticals - proprietary liquid remedies encoded with bio-information designed to correct imbalances of the body-field.

Dr. Oz Talk Show/USA on Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy 

Dr. Bruce Lipton on Bioenergetics of human body-field

The Doctors Talk Show/USA demonstration of miHealth PEMF device which is part of BioEnergetiX WellNes System

Bioenergetic correction of human body-field with miHealth PEMF device which is part of the BioEnergetoX WellNes System

Tasha Denvers / Athlete Bronz Medalist - Olympic Games in Beijing, using PEMF device miHealth which is the part of BioEnergetiX WellNes System

Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier in documentary Water Memory 

What controls human biology: Dr. Bruce lipton, Edgar Mitchell PhD, Rupert Sheldrake PhD, Dr. Rodin Mc Craty (Heartmath Instituite), Marylin Schlitz PhD etc.

Principles on how Infoceuticals work: Harry Massey (Nes Health), Prof.Gerald Pollack (University of Washington), Luc Montagnier (Nobel prize winner), Peter H. Fraser (Nes Health)


The bioenergetic healing protocol of Bioenergetix is one of the most profound protocols I have ever seen in my many ...

Wendy Myers

FDN-P, NC, CHHC, Expert in Detoxication and Minerals

Energy medicine is the future of health, period.

Ben Greenfield

New York Times best selling author, NSCA voted- America’s Top Personal Trainer, Greatist - Top 100 Most Influential People In Health and Fitness, 

They keep coming back away by what the scan is able to tell them that they are bringing in their family members..

Rachael Dardano

Holistic Health Practitioner and CEO "Internal Wisdom" 

                                                         NES HEALTH BIOENERGETIC RESEARCH :

Energy4Life                                               Decoding the human body-field                    Energy and Information in Nature
By Harry Massey                                               By Peter Fraser and Harry Massey                                       By Peter H. Fraser



NES Health is one of the most advanced world leaders in bioenergetics: the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems. Cutting edge science proves the existence of regulative bio-field of energy and information, which operates inside our physical body on the subcellular level.

 In our BioEnergetiX System we call it human body-field which acts as a control system for the body´s physical activity and we spent decades of research its functions. It was discovered that the first cause of physical problems are deformations and blockages in the human body-field which operates as a principle control system of all physiological functions. When we improve function of the body-field, and we combine this with good nutrition and lifestyle choices, the body's incredible healing system can take over and begin restoring the body to health.

SCAN the BIOENERGETIC system of your body !

STEP 1... The Voice Scan is an innovative technology that uses voice sample via proprietary software intelligence to detect deformations in the body-field that are caused by environmental factors. The Voice Scan can also detect various imbalances in the body-field. 

By looking at the body's energy field, the technology is able to identify areas of imbalance and suggest restoring it. This includes recommending Infoceuticals, a unique form of remedies that helps to restore balance and harmony of the body. Use our VOICE SCAN and you don´t need to go anywhere to any bioenergetics or bioresonance practitioner! You personally will make a scan of your energetic field regulating your health in the comfort of your home on your laptop/PC that we connect with our intelligent digital portal. 

No need to wait days or weeks for results. In 10 seconds the voice scan is done!!! Just push the button to activate VOICE SCAN and verbally count to ten! Immediately after that, the scan is automatically sent to certified professional staff and digital intelligence will choose a set of 5 personalized INFOCEUTICALS based upon the measurement of hundreds of parameters of your bioenergetic field!

Unique properties of Bioenergetic Voice scan

GET your 30+ pages BIOENERGETIC report!

Step 2 ... With a single click, and in seconds, it returns a richly detailed overview including multiple screens and accurate graphics. It contains information of 11 principle sections, under each of them you can find various detailed bioenergetic: environmental, emotional, nutritional, spiritual etc. parameters - scan results are marked with the priority color and with described commentary to understand underlying causes of issues.

Example: Energy Level intensity and insufficiency within one's organs and body systems. ENERGY FLOW how well energy is being driven through the organs and systems. 
BRAIN PERFORMANCE As with everything related to physiology, optimal brain performance begins in the body-field, and this screen shows several ways to bioenergetically support the brain.TOXINS traces in the body-field coming from our environment - home, work & personal care, solvents, toxic metals agriculture - herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, food, mold,  radiation. NUTRITION - vitamin field, mineral field, fat fields and protein fields antioxidant fields. bioenergetic correlation to DIGESTION - metabolism, malabsorption, blood oxygenation. SPIRITUAL - life purpose, understanding your world, aligning your purpose, archetypes, core beliefs,  etc. 

Voice Scan Report: A Highly Detailed Overview with Multiple Screens and Precise Graphics

RESTORE your health with personalized INFOCEUTICALS! 

Step 3... The scan is automatically sent to certified professional staff and digital intelligence will choose set of 5 personalized INFOCEUTICALS - energetic drops based upon the measurement of hundreds of parameters of your bioenergetic field! Infoceuticals will successfully correct all energetic blockages and deformations in your regulative body field. Infoceuticals help re-imprint the body's control system to its optimal state.
Infoceuticals interact directly with the Human Body-Field to strengthen it and improve its information flow. This allows the Field to better guide all the body's functions, restoring the body's innate ability to correct and maintain itself. Working with these blockages restores the body's balance and enhances its inherent healing qualities. Infoceuticals provide this corrective information through the properties of structured water.
They are safe, effective and easy to use.

Infoceutical Ingredients: Purified water; Himalayan Sea Salt (1%); Potassium Chloride (1.5%); Magnesium Chloride (1%); Potassium Sorbate (0.2%); Citric Acid (0.1%).

Our Worldwide Bioenergetic Health Services

Nes Health leads the world in bioenergetics, study, detection and correction of energy in living systems.

The strategy of energy-information correction is non-invasive and very comfortable! 

30+ Pages of Report

We can provide electronic access to 30+ pages REPORT based on the scan detection.

Scan Report Consultation

Interpretation of results of client scan report and recommendation based on the report. It lasts 45 minutes via zoom, in the comfort of your home with a certified consultant and practitioner.

General consultation

We offer 45 minutes of general  consultation and recommendations via zoom on bioenergetic health topics with our certified consultant and practitioner.  



1 Voice Scan, plus one 30+ page Report in electronic form



1 Voice Scan, plus one 30+ page Report in electronic form, plus one set of 5 infoceuticals



1 Voice Scan, plus 30+ page Report in electronic form, plus 45 minutes consultation and interpretation of Report with certified BioEnergetiX System consultant via Zoom.  



1 Voice Scan, plus 30+ page Report in electronic form, plus set of 5 Infoceuticals, plus 45 minutes Consultation and interpretation of Report with certified BioEnergetiX System consultant via Zoom.



Once a month all year round: 1 voice scan, plus 1  30+ pages report in electronic form, plus 1 consultation and scan interpretation with certificated consultatnt of Bioenergetix System via ZOOM - 45 minutes. plus set of 5 bottles of infoceuticals.

215 EUR


HEALTH PORTAL FREE GIFTS: recipes, podcasts, articles, movies, videos, books, webinars, healing sounds, and exercises !


Our cutting-edge BioEnergetix WellNES System assesses and corrects the body's control system to get to the root of any health concern. Our proprietary few-step process uses our special portal system which after accessing makes available to do remote bioenergetic scan based upon voice sample, analysing hundreds of bioenergetic parameters and  results in generating a set of infoceuticals via digital intelligence. The technology is focused to restore balance, leading to improved health and wellness outcomes. Discover the power of bioenergetics today and get back to feeling your best!

Benefits 1 :

  • Improved emotional and mental wellbeing: The BioEnergetiX WellNes System helps to balance and harmonize the emotional and mental state of the user. It helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, while increasing feelings of contentment, joy, and happiness.  

  • Improved physical wellbeing: The BioEnergetiX WellNes System can help improve the physical health of the user by stimulating the body's natural healing processes. It can help to reduce fatigue, pain, and inflammation, as well as assists boosting the immune system.

Benefits 2 :

  • The BioEnergetiX WellNes System boosts energy levels, enhances sleep quality and mood, facilitates nutrient absorption, and alleviates pain.

  • By promoting blood flow and targeting the root cause, this  helps improve circulation, release blockages, and optimize the recovery and rejuvenation process.

  • Strengthens the body's natural energy field: The BioEnergetiX WellNes System helps to strengthen the body's natural energy field and helps to protect it from external influences.

Benefits 3 :

  • Improved mental clarity: The BioEnergetiX WellNes System can help to improve mental clarity, focus, and concentration. It can also help to increase creativity, intuition, and problem-solving abilities.

  • Relieves stiffness and corrects distortions and deformations in the body-field.

  •  Improves spiritual wellbeing: It can help to improve spiritual wellbeing by helping to open the user up to higher spiritual realms and inner wisdom. 

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

1. How to use Feel Good Infoceuticals ? 

The best is to consult your certified Nes Health Practitioner.

Use the dropper to put the number of drops (indicated by your practitioner in the chart above) into water and drink. Different Infoceuticals can be taken separately or mixed in one glass. They can also be taken directly on the tongue, provided you do not touch the dropper to your tongue. Your drop count will be less precise in this way (this is fine) and the drops will have a saltier taste. Infoceuticals can be taken with or without food. They are often taken in the morning or by early afternoon, though "Night" and "Sleep" should be taken any time after sunset or before you sleep. Your practitioner may also advise you to take others prior to sleeping.


1 drop on first and second day

3 drops on third and fourth day

5 dropson  fifth and sixth day

7 drops on seventh and eight day

9 drops on day nine and ten

11 drops on day eleven and twelve

13 drops on day 13 and 14

15 drops on day 15 and further until finish the bottle

2. What is Feel Good Infoceuticals

Infoceuticals work by providing the body with vibratory information which helps to balance the body's energy systems. This helps to bring the body back into balance and therefore improve overall health and well-being. The body then responds to this new energy balance and starts to heal itself naturally.

Feel Good Infoceuticals - are the spectrum of universal drops from water remedies with implemented general bioinformation where no scan of the body-field is needed and can be ordered directly from our portal. You can order them directly on our portal by signing up. 

3. How to use selected Infoceuticals

SET OF 5 BOTTLES of personalized corrective Infoceuticals generated by our BWS software based upon your VOICE SCAN

Pack of 5 bottles - 25 EUR/bottle

- Set of 5 bottles in total : 125 EUR

- shipping (not included)

- last 3-4 weeks

- 3 months min. recommended. Best results from 3 - 6 months,

- you will get instruction from our certified Neshealth practitioner after your order

4. How to order the services?

Order our services directly from our e-shop on You can also order Feel Good Infoceuticals directly from Nes Portal by registering today for free through this link.
Selected Infoceuticals can only be ordered with a voice scan, as without it, the Selected Infoceuticals cannot be given.

After payment by credit card, Infoceuticals can be quickly packed and shipped to you via UPS, with delivery available almost anywhere in the world.

5. How to pay for the services?

Payment for scans and consultations can be done via bank transfer or PayPal. Once paid, clients can proceed with their scan and a confirmed date and time for the Zoom consultation will be set, along with a link to the meeting. You can also order Feel Good Infoceuticals directly from Nes Health Portal by registering today for free on the Portal through this link. Selected Infoceuticals can only be ordered with a scan, as without it, the Selected Infoceuticals cannot be given.

Client can do the Voice Scan through Portal before making payment, but the service won't be activated until payment is received via bank transfer or PayPal. Clients will receive an email with payment information and invoices for services.

6. How to order the consultation and the time and get link on zoom?

Once ordered and paid the selected consultation, clients can proceed with their scan and a confirmed date and time for the Zoom consultation will be set, along with a link to the meeting. 

Client can do the Voice Scan through the NES Health Portal before making payment, but the service won't be activated until payment is received via bank transfer or PayPal. 

7. Why should I sign up to your  Portal?

You can discover many free gifts in form of recipes, podcasts, articles, movies, videos, books, webinars, healing sounds, exercises and our e-shop.  Link to our platform.

Except these free gifts you will get access to our Voice scan, Voice scan 30+ pages report. You can order your infoceuticals there anytime. 

8. How can I order, pay and get my infoceutical?

You can also order Feel Good Infoceuticals directly from Portal by registering today for free through this link. Selected Infoceuticals can only be ordered with a voice scan, as without it, the Selected Infoceuticals cannot be given.

After payment by credit card, Infoceuticals can be quickly packed and shipped to you via UPS, with delivery available almost anywhere in the world.

9. What is Bioenergetix System?

NES Health is one of the most advanced world leaders in bioenergetics: the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems.

Cutting edge science proves the existence of regulative bio-field of energy and information, which operates inside our physical body on the subcellular level. In our BioEnergetiX System we call it human body-field which acts as a control system for the body´s physical activity and we spent decades of research its functions.

It was discovered that the first cause of physical problems are deformations and blockages in the human body-field which operates as a principle control system of all physiological functions. When we improve function of the body-field, and we combine this with good nutrition and lifestyle choices, the body's incredible healing system can take over and begin restoring the body to health. 

                   DUŠAN DOBROVODA

                                                           HEALTH COACH AND CONSULTANT
                                         CERTIFIED NES HEALTH PRACTITIONER

Welcome to my website

Hello and welcome to bioenergetics most advanced approach to your health! I am here to help, consult and recommend, working remotely with international clients. I have 30+ years of experience. 

Our cutting-edge BioEnergetix WellNES System assesses and corrects the body's control system to get to the root of any health concern. Our proprietary few-step process uses our special portal system which after accessing makes available to do bioenergetic scan based upon voice sample, and results in generating a set of infoceuticals via digital intelligence. The technology is focused to restore balance, leading to improved wellness outcomes. Discover the power of bioenergetics today and get back to feeling your best!


For over three decades, I have been studying evolutionary philosophies, major world religions, sacred knowledge from various cultures and nations, and the latest advances in physics and human consciousness research.

From 1991 onwards, I have tested the complementary and alternative medicine field in practice, and actively participated in international congresses and diverse international programsThe experimental work on human consciousness has been the most important part of my work, allowing me to verify the latest theoretical knowledge in practice and expand the boundaries of my own knowledge through special meditations, intuition, and direct access to the information field. 

After carefully analyzing, sorting, and verifying all the gathered information, I have created a comprehensive health system that can now be accessed in the form of trainings, mini seminars, and consultations. This "two-generation knowledge" covers bioenergetics, rehabilitation, harmonization, regeneration, and rejuvenation for the body and mind, to rapidly move you forward physically, mentally, and psychically.


My father, a renowned physician, began our family's journey for the discovery of higher knowledge in the mid 20th century. An open-minded doctor, he devoted his life to researching various techniques and forms of treatment, rejuvenation, and spiritual regeneration. From an early age, he taught me the secrets of this art. As a child, I was able to assemble anatomical dolls and name human body organs. I assisted in administering injections to mole patients, participated in hypnotic sessions, and learned psychological exercises. 

Despite this, I did not pursue classical medicine, but instead developed an interest in complementary and alternative methods of affecting health parameters. My father, then the President of Alternative Medicine in Slovakia, provided me with access to a library of more than 3,000 titles on the subject. I studied approximately 800 of them in detail (see section DD). Furthermore, my father's participation in and organization of several international conferences that brought together experts in complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine allowed me to meet and collaborate with these professionals. Through these interactions, I was able to gain insight and knowledge that was more valuable than any public forum. I am grateful to my father for introducing me to these topics of great importance to humanity. His legacy lives on in me.



1991 Maharishi Transcendental Meditation course - Scott Walmsley/USA
1996 Certificate Silva Mind Control - E.Štarkova/SVK
1997 Certificate 1. level Eniopsychology - Prof. Albert Ignatenko DrSc./UKR
1998 Certificate 2. level Eniopsychology - Prof.Albert Ignatenko DrSc./UKR
1998 Certificate 3. level Eniopsychology - Prof. Albert Ignatenko DrSc./UKR
1998 Certificate level 1. Intuitive Energy Healing ( Biogetic Holophasing) - Nancy Clark Ph.D./USA
1998 Pulse diagnostics and its acupuncture application in 5 elements - Dušan Tomek/CZE
1999 Shamanism course - Nancy Clark/USA
1999 Intuitive Energy Healing(Biogetic Holophasing) level 2 course - Nancy Clark Ph.D./USA
1999-2000 1. grade Traditional Chinese Medicine - School Chuzhen - Czechoslovakia Society of Sinobiology Prague/CZE
1999 6 months Maharishi Open University - Total Knowledge course - Satelite education
2000 Acupuncture, Sujok and Auriculotherapy Practice - MUDr. Ivan Dobrovoda / SVK
2000 certificate Cosmo eniopsychology - Prof. Albert Ignatenko DrSc./UKR
2000 1 year course Psy Surgery Traditional Philippines Method - Michel Carayon/France
2002 Diploma Grand Master of Cosmo Eniopsychology Sciences - International Informatization Academy
2003 Diploma laureate of Cosmohumanism prize in the field of science and education -Golden Order, sanctification Prague / CZE
2004 International VIP program of psycho-information Technologies with prof.Ignatenko - London / UK
2004 Founder and copresident of the first Cosmohumanism Academy - Bratislava/SVK
2005 Diploma Doctor of Cosmo Eniopsychology- International Informatization Academy
2006 International VIP program of psycho-information technologies with prof.Ignatenko - London / UK
2006 Delegate of international congress Man of Third Millenium Rome/Italy
2006 Lecturer of seminars Eniopsychology Nice/France
2006 Delegate European Research and Innovation Salon - Psycho-Informational Technologies Paris/France
2007 Lecturer of seminars Eniopsychology Bratislava/SR
2007-2013 Experimental activity in the field of consciousness
2013 Preparation of the book
2013 Bioresonance Pardubice / CZE , MUDr. Pekárek / CZE
2013 Bioresonance Brno / CZE , MUDr. Claudia Gregušová / CZE
2017 NES Health Certified Practitioner / UK
2018 Power of Eight Intention Experiment Masterclass - Lynne Mc Taggart / USA
2018 Become a Better Healer With The Power of Eight - Lynne Mc Taggart / USA
2018 Middle East Peace Experiment - Lynne Mc Taggart / USA
2018 Family Psychologist of 21. Century - Prof. Albert Ignatenko DrSc. / UKR
2018 WCLN Award
2018 London Real Academy - Bizz Accelerator Brian Rose / UK
2019 Resonance Academy - The Delegate program  - Nassim Harramein / USA
2020 Psycho Informatix System - founder Dusan Dobrovoda
2020 Certificate Technology, Consciousness and Evolution - Bruce Lipton PHD, Gregg Braden, Lynne Mc Taggart 
2021 Mike Gillette - Mind Boss
2021 Marisa Peers - Challenge

2021 ATG Training - Ben Patrick

2023 Certificate Foundation in Hypnotherapy - Marisa Peer

                                                                                                        Contact form. 
                                                     Please write to us your questions and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

Our contact: Dusan Dobrovoda, Pezinok, Slovakia     Tel:  +421 944 903 615     

Your life is easier when you are healthy!

Before you go make sure you have signed up to our health portal for free and discover many free gifts in form of recipes, podcasts, articles, movies, videos, books, webinars, healing sounds, and exercises. Let us know at